The Spirit And The Bride

The Spirit and the bride say come

To all who are athirst

And drink the living water

From the Lamb who took our curse

For cursed is every one

Who has been hung upon a tree

And if I be lifted up said Christ

I will draw you unto me

The Spirit and the bride say come

To those with eyes to see

What the consequence of sin has done

To all humanity

To make atonement for our sins

The Lamb was crucified

And when the nails were driven in

He suffered and He died

For sin is born in lawlessness

And every sin must be confessed

And covered by His righteousness

And sprinkled with His blood

That Jesus shed so willingly

Because of my iniquity

He paid my debt on Calvary

And sealed it with His blood

The Spirit and the bride say come

To those with ears to hear

What the Father has to say to those

Who worship Him in fear

For the Savior of the universe

Is knocking at our door

And what we decide to do today

Will last forevermore

The Spirit and the bride say come

To the cross on Calvary

On which my Savior bled and died

To save a wretch like me

How can I repay Him

For what He did for me

He wrote my sins upon His heart

And nailed them to that tree

For sin is born in lawlessness

And every sin must be confessed

And covered with His righteousness

And sprinkled with His blood

That Jesus shed so willingly

Because of my iniquity

He paid my debt on Calvary

And sealed it with His blood

He paid my debt on Calvary

And sealed it with His blood

Written by Bruce Moss

March 28, 2024

To God be the glory

To God be the glory