Hello my friend, welcome to my website. Thank you for dropping by.  My name is Bruce Moss. I am a Canadian singer and songwriter from Newfoundland and Labrador. Since becoming a Christian in 1989, I have written and recorded 19 CDs, containing 244  songs,  all of which can be seen and heard by clicking on the Music and Lyrics tab in the header menu. This menu also contains sub pages, that list, in alphabetical order, the songs and lyrics that are currently available. My plan is to upload all my songs and lyrics, so that those who visit this site can see and hear how Jesus Christ has impacted my life in a positive way. These songs can be downloaded for free on this site. The download feature is found on the audio player, which is found on every page.

Prior to becoming a Christian, I was involved in the secular music industry for over twenty years, living a life that was not in harmony with the Word of God, which  caused me much grief and pain. But by God's grace, I am here today to extol His tender mercies towards me, and all sinners who repent and ask for His forgiveness.  For as it is written, "We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is found only in Christ Jesus."~ Romans 3:23 - 24 ~

Since 1989, I have devoted my musical skills to writing, recording, and performing music, in honour  of my LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, aka Yeshua HaMashiach in the Hebrew tongue.  God is the Poet, I am the pen.

Many of my songs have been made into videos, and posted on my youtube channel, and on my rumble channel, under the name, Netzer, which means grafted into the vine of Christ. A name that I am proud to be associated with.  Here are the links to my video channels.

If you are blessed by what you see and hear, please sign my Guest book on the bottom of this page and share this site with others, and please leave me a kind word or two in the comment section below.  I pray that God will continue to bless you, and cause His face to shine on you now and always.
Shalom. To God be the glory!

To God be the glory

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