To God be the glory

The Cross Of Christ

There is a cross, on Calvary

Where the Lamb of God was crucified

And nailed to that tree

And on that cross

Now stained with blood

The Saviour gave His life for us

To show that God is love

There was a thief, a lot like me

Who was crucified with Jesus

When they nailed Him to that tree

Before he died, he made this plea

When You come into Your kingdom LORD

Remember me

When Jesus heard, his last request

He forgave him of his sins

As soon as he confessed

Before He died, Jesus Christ

Told him you will live again with Me

In paradise

Take up your cross, and follow Me

And I will wash away your sins

And nail them to that tree

And you will live, forevermore

When I show you why I died

And what that cross was for

The cross is there, for all to see

That the wages of our sin is death

For all humanity

But Jesus paid, that awful price

To make atonement for our sins

Through His sacrifice

The penalty, for lawlessness

Still applies to us today

Unless we have confessed

That we have sinned, and gone astray

From the covenant that Jesus Christ

Made with us that day

Take up your cross, and follow Me

And I will wash away your sins

And nail them to that tree

And you will live, forevermore

When I show you why I died

And what that cross was for

The King of kings, was crowned with thorns

The nails that pierced His hands and feet

Reflected Satan's scorn

He tried to kill, the Son of God

But what he did was show the world

That only God is love

The cross of Christ, on Calvary

Reminds me of our Father's love

For all humanity

And on that cross

Now stained with blood

The Saviour died to show the world

That God is love

The Saviour died to show the world

That God is love

Written by Bruce Moss

To God be the glory